Lichfield Table Tennis Club - Membership Information

Come along and have a knock to see if you like us.



Please note that we have a capacity limit of 50 members and can't currently accomodate any new members.

You can download a membership application form here

All membership rates are detailed within.
Prospective new members may find it helpful to contact one of the club officials for more details.


Fees can be paid direct to the club bank account using the following details:

HSBC Bank, Lichfield - Sort Code 40-28-18 - Acct No 61802526
Account Name - Lichfield Table Tennis Club

Please ensure you state an identifiable reference, such as your name.

Membership rates are:
Juniors & Students: £ 60 pa
Seniors: £100 pa
Senior Citizens: (over 65) £ 70 pa
Family (one adult + two children): £110 p a


The Lichfield Table Tennis Club Constitution can be viewed